On the way home, Charlie pointed out an article in one of the airplane magazines. It mentioned that the largest farmers' market in the country is located in Dallas, Texas. I had an interesting reaction to this fact. First, I thought: wow, I'd love to visit the largest market in the country. Second, I thought: well, it might be the biggest, but there are so many wonderful things about every market I've visited. And finally, I thought: ooh, Bailey's Farmers' Market needs to have a write-up in an airplane magazine. I was sort of jealous of the Dallas market. To be clear, Bailey's is the purely fictional market in my farmers' market mystery series. I laughed at my jealousy for my made-up world.
But the article also did something else; it got me thinking about the universal greatness of all farmers' markets. In fact, the time in Cabo among the street vendors showed me that there's something great about all sorts of markets set up with stalls that are run by a single person or a couple of people or a family. Farmers, artists and other vendors all work hard to create and/or display their products so people will want to buy them. And the vendors are the best part; they come in many different personalities; some are pushy, some are shy, some are friendly, some are cantankerous. I'm drawn to them all. I love visiting markets and talking to vendors and hearing their personal stories. One of my favorite things about writing the farmers' market series is creating the vendors' backgrounds and personalities. Sometimes, they take over and tell me more about themselves than I could ever make up; they have a tendency to take on a life of their own. Maybe that's why I was jealous for them.
So, on behalf of everyone at Bailey's, may your upcoming market season be full of amazing products and interesting vendors. If you get a chance, stop by and see us. We're always here.
Thank you!
To help celebrate the release of Fruit of All Evil, Paige has given me a signed copy to give away to one lucky winner. Just leave a comment on the blog and I'll randomly draw a name on Monday, March 7th!
I need this book. I read the first book and it was AWESOME! I need to find out what happens next and to get Ian's recipe for Lavender Cookies - so please pick my name (randomly of course!!).
It was so fun to read Paige's comments about farmers markets and street vendors. I love making purchases from individuals who grow or make their own products. I can't wait to read the new book, I loved Farm Fresh Murders. I am so looking forward to the farmers market season and when I travel I always try to hit the farmers markets and the street vendors. Sabrina, Thanks for giving us another great guest post.
Oh Lala, wait in line just like we have to when we visit a Farmers Market!! Farmers Market in Salt Lake is fun in the open air, and the one in Los Angeles is especially fun and interesting. It's a little classier than the one in Salt Lake (so are the prices).
Cabo San Lucas is a very curious market. You have to hold on to your purse there. Very nice people, but hold on to your purse. Good things to buy for souvenirs. A good mystery could evolve around all these markets combined.
Thanks to Sabrina/Kate and the generosity of Paige Shelton, keep up the good work both of you. I enjoy reading both of your stories and blogs.
I have only been to a Farmer's Market a few times, but I loved it. It is a nice change of pace from chain stores.
Once I discovered that we had an author in the family, I had to go out and get your first book. I am a huge fan of farmers' markets, mystery novels, and canning jams, jellies and salsa. Your books fit me to a tee! The Eugene Farmer's market is interesting in that it leans towards the hippy/1960's atmosphere with some Rastafarian thrown in. Good eats, produce, and people watching.
Thanks for the comments! Hasn't Sabrina done an amazing job with her blog? I'm tickled to contribute today.
Thank you all also for reading the books. I wish I had a bunch of time - I really would love to travel around and visit as many markets as I could. They each take on their own personality. Fascinating.
Good luck!
I love farmer's markets. They are so much fun to visit whether at home or on vacation. The open market in St. Thomas was a fun way to experience the culture first hand. I just started reading the first book & would love to win.
love farmers market, just as much as i love reading sabrinas blog :)
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